Monday, July 26

Learning Curve

I think its obvious that i am incredibly shit at illustrator,
so i have decided to learn it properly, it's really not the
sort of stuff i like but its clean and very presentable.

Ha, this is a very weird direction for me

Friday, July 23


Is seriously on form, so here's his third installment of freeizm

Sunday, July 18

Tuesday, July 6

Update, sorta

I realised today that ive been living in a world of my own for about 6 months
and ive had to catch up on real things, like debts and other financial squallier.

Among this, i bought some turntables and have been spending most of my time
creating a collection of vinyls for djying but recently more for enjoyment.
Also in this loop, my mac died, my vw died and i owe currys money apparently?

I do have stuff to post, but ive temporarily misplaced the cd i was looking for
and i have some little bits i want to scan in but i cant do that because i dont have
a computer atm.
Tough but very exciting times

So for now, a few youtubes of some classic vinyls ive picked up recently